Saturday, March 28, 2009

Congratulations to the Blogademic Among Us

Just a short program note: our Doug is in Portland, Ore. this weekend at the NEA Higher Education Conference, where last night he received one of their three awards for excellence. He was given complimentary registration for and transportation to the conference, as well as a nice check. It is the Young Scholar Award for his article, "Scholarly Voice and Professional Identity in the Internet Age," which appeared in the Fall 2008 journal Thought and Action. Today he gave a workshop presentation "Confessions of a Blogademic," in which he shared his experiences as a professor who also blogs about a subject he is passionate about--Southern Gospel--and how it has influenced his teaching and research, sometimes in unexpected ways. Of course we are just tickled pink about all of it. Doug's blog, averyfineline, is linked on this page under "Blogs I Read," if you are interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading about Doug. I am not "passionate" about SG, I do enjoy it occasionally, and I do enjoy reading his blog. We enjoyed our snow - 9 inches or so. The great thing about spring snow - it melts quickly.