When mid-August rolls around, I tell myself, the Home Stories anniversary is probably about now. Well, I finally got around to checking and this blog turned three years old either on August 11 (the calendar date) or yesterday, the second Friday of the month (the weekly date.) So, for those who started reading on Friday, August 11, 2006 and are still around, Thank You. Here's a link to the post that started it all: http://judiandnorm.blogspot.com/2006/08/just-little-late.html
Sometimes I wonder if the blog has run its course, and then I get an e-mail from a friend whom I haven't seen in 48 years although we shared some significant time in junior high hallways or at church or at Girl Scout Camp. She has followed a link to the blog after finding my profile on my high school class reunion page, or LinkedIn, or somewhere. And so I guess I'll try to keep it up a while longer, as long as readers are out there. If any of you regulars have suggestions for topics or questions about what I've written (or not written), feel free to post them in the comments or send them privately to my email address. It's in my blogger profile.
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