Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy Birthday, Cous!

One of the persistent holiday dates in my life has been July 3, which is just about a national holiday in our family, because it's cousin Mike's birthday. When we were kids growing up in Tulsa, this event was often celebrated on July 4, as it was in this photo from when I was 11 and Mike turned 7. We were in a patriotic mood that year, as we posed with my dog Rags in our back yard. Today I called and talked to Mike before he went to work, and he had just finished mowing his back yard. True to tradition, he will have family over to his place tomorrow, partially in observance of Independence Day, but we all know The Real Reason for the gathering! Wish we could be there! Happy Birthday, Mike.

1 comment:

debide said...

Cous thank you for the wonderful picture of you and mike. I have only about 2 pictures of mike as a child. He was so touched! He will write you later.
Again thank you -