Saturday, June 07, 2008

Reunion Day One

The reunion officially opened on Friday evening with a picnic in Fike Park. Larry arrived in his latest pride and joy, a 1948 Plymouth.

Of course, it had to be inspected by Don and Roy while Larry and Norm super-

This year's reunion has been planned by the now grown- up Linville grand- children. Carla, Aleta and Paula, along with April, are the new generation of reunion organizers, and the Sibs are glad!

The gazebo in the park provided tables and seats and shade, but not much respite from a stiff breeze. Norm visits with Maxine and Roy while April and Billy add their two cents.

Harold and Jan cooked the food and trucked everything over to the park. Traditionally this picnic has been in their yard, but they lost a shade tree since the last reunion. Debbie got home from her trip to Atlanta in time to join us for the reunion this year.

Aleta's youngest daughter, Rebecca, stopped taking photos long enough to pose for this one with her aunt Kay and uncle Don.
Festivities will resume today at the College. We can't wait to see who else we will see after a long time.

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