Only at a graduation celebration for respiratory therapists would you see a cake decorated with bronchi and those little air sacs in our lungs that let us exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen! But it was the centerpiece for the party for the respiratory therapy certificate program at Forest Park Community college tonight.
After two years getting her associates degree and two years in the certificate program, Heather is justifiably proud of the certificates presented during the banquet for her class. All 19 graduates were present and received a lot of applause for their achievements!
The proud parents, Mike and Sandy, are also our honorary brother and sister, and Heather says we are her honorary aunt and uncle. We enjoyed the evening with them and are proud of Heather as well. We've known her since she was a 5-year-old who wouldn't go to bed until all of her stuffed animals were accounted for!
Heather's brother John and his wife Kim made a fast trip from Chicago for the big event. We were so glad to see them both. Next time they promise to stay in St. Louis long enough to visit us. John is a bicycle company executive and Kim directs a charter school, so they are pretty busy. All of us wish Heather the best of luck in getting that first job!
Retirement gives me time to write nonfiction, travel, quilt, enjoy time with Norm and research family history. Home Stories is a journal of daily life for interested family and friends; Thursday's Child has occasional essays on ideas or family history. Compton Rising Still chronicles the mission and events at our church.
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