Monday, December 25, 2006

A Christmas Odyssey

A blessed Christmas is our wish for all of you reading this blog today or in the future. We sent part of our cards before Christmas, and the others will be going to the post office tomorrow and Wednesday. Our Christmas tree at home glowed with holiday anticipation all last week, and Norm and I celebrated "Little Christmas Eve on the 22nd by exchanging some gifts before leaving for Florida on the 23rd.

We flew to Ft. Myers and were welcomed by Doug, Matt and Sam the poodle. On Christmas Eve morning we attended church at First Christian Church of Lehigh Acres, a community about 10 miles from where they live. It is an Open and Affirming Disciples Church and is distinguished by some unusual architecture.

As you can see, Norm and I were claimed quickly by Sam, who found a space on my lap. We got up on Christmas morning to a lovely brunch cooked by Doug and Matt. We took a long walk around the apartment complex where they live. We tried to go to a movie, the opening of The Good Shepherd, but the theater had oversold the tickets. So we had a nice drive to Naples instead...a place we will enjoy seeing more of one of these days. The rain is supposed to end tomorrow, and be sunny and a bit cooler. We will be helping pack this week for their move to the new condo on Friday, but with luck, we may get away to the beach for some shelling and bird watching, too. Stay tuned.

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