Sunday, November 09, 2008

Maple Watch: November 9

Sunday: it was cold enough to snow this morning, and we actually saw a few minuscule frozen pellets as we set out for church. The overcast day isn't good for picture taking, but up close and in person, the maple is breathtakingly red. It's also shedding a lot of leaves now.

The view from beneath the same tree is quite different. All glows golden yellow, even on a cloudy day. This tree always seems, once its leaves turn, to be lit from within, reminding me of author Annie Dillard's Tree with the Lights in It from Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.

The leaves continue to glow even on the ground, but it's an ethereal quality hard to capture in 3 megapixels on a cloudy day. Certainly we are getting a good pile of leaves and we are grateful that Raymond, a friend of ours from church, is coming next Saturday to do some serious raking!

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